Society is Too Hard on Women
There is something that I have been slowly discovering while on this boudoir journey and that is that society makes women doubt themselves and their bodies way too often and I’m not going to stand for it, in fact I want to change that. Many women who come to me will confess all of the things about themselves that they do not love and honestly it fills me with so much anger for the culture we live in and I’m here to tell you all of the reasons that you should love yourself and your body everyday.
I have noticed a common thing on social media and that is the use of filters on every image that is put out there and the filters are mainly used by women. Now I’m just as guilty as the next person of using filters on images or videos that I post. I am super self conscious of my neck and the nice thing about filters is a lot of times it takes it away and I feel like I look better however it’s not who I really am and it’s not showing my authentic self which is why I made a decision to stop using filters whenever possible and I’m learning to accept my neck and chin as a part of who I am and what people see when they see me and that’s okay.
The biggest reason I hear from women as to why they don’t want to book a boudoir session with me is because of the little bit of extra weight they are carrying and once they lose that they will book with me. GIRL! Please, stop trying to torment yourself in order to do a boudoir session. Boudoir is one of the most empowering experiences that a woman can have and trust me when I tell you that once you see your images the last thing you are going to notice is the ten pounds that you thought were so important to lose. Love your body for all that it is and stop comparing yourself to someone else because you truly are made beautiful inside and out and this world is your oyster if you want it to be.
Remember to hold your head up high and to take on the world head on, I promise this world needs every woman in it and we have so much to bring to the table. We can create a life with our bodies, run businesses like bosses and multi-task like no other living thing. We need to realize our potential, grasp it and push our way through this big beautiful world because we are women, hear us roar!